报告题目:Absolutely continuous invariant probability measures for contracting Lorenz maps
报告时间:2016年10月25日(星期二)10:30 – 11:30
报告摘要:In this talk, I will review the recent development of iteration theory for interval maps. For an interval map whose critical point set may contain critical points with different one-sided critical orders and jump discontinuities (e.g. contracting Lorenz maps), under a mild condition on critical orbits, we prove that it has an invariant probability measure which is absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure by using the methods of Bruin et al [Invent.Math. 172(3) (2008), 509–533], together with ideas from Nowicki and van Strien [Invent.Math. 105(1) (1991), 123–136]. We also show that it admits no wandering intervals.